Becoming a friend of Facebook is tool that is enhancing business around the world. Companies and entities that make money in cyberspace, like, Almond Talent Agency, Teal Marie’s Music Page, the non-profit organization Spectrum Human Services, Inc. & Affiliated Companies and Health Distinction are going to be talked about in this post.
I’ll begin with 1st dibs. “When you register for 1stdibs you will be given a portfolio account which will allow you to search and save from 1stdibs, shopAD (new from Architectural Digest) and participating design center web sites.” This is the first part of the user agreement one must read and agree to when registering as a user. I first learned of 1st dibs on the Martha Stewart Show just yesterday. I signed up online. I found a vast choice of furniture, jewelry, and clothing and just about anything I might want of uniqueness. is the place to go if you want to find 800 dealers who are dealing products for you and the home. Antiques are sought after here, haute couture items are here – you just need to go to this “Long Tail” of marketing to see for yourself. Go to
The site also has an online magazine, historical information and some generally fun stuff to look at. It is a virtual store but they do deal with actual stores as well. It is a tool for education in architecture and is being used by students in the classroom. It is a democratizing tool because it gives and gets access to people around the world. Check it out – it’s lots of fun!
Almond Talent Agency is run by a couple of guys in Los Angeles (one a dear friend of mine whom I helped raise from the age of 8 to 16). Talents from all over the world go to Almond Talent Agency with the hopes to find work in the entertainment industry. Many do. If you go on Facebook you will find Almond Talent Agency. If you do a search in Google you will find them.
If you check out this link to Backstage Message Board, you will find that Kevin Bacon is very happy with Aur-Aelion’s (spelled incorrectly in the post on the site I am referring you to) work at Almond Talent Agency and you’ll even see a post from Al Pacino.
Almond Talent Agency is appealing to the common people via the internet. Some, such as Kevin Bacon have not set foot inside of the agency itself but simply use the democratizing tools of Facebook and Google to do their business with Almond Talent Agency. This little kid who was a major part of my life for 8 years has grown up to become a self-proclaimed millionaire and I am truly proud. (Keyword: self-proclaimed). Aur-Aelion Israel's webpage for contact information is at:
Teal Marie is recording music and ze was selling it on Being a songwriter, guitarist, singer, producer and recording artist Teal finds that, like Josh Woodward that Facebook is a good place to have hir music heard. Hir long list of songs include titles such as Malt Shop, Lemon Aid, Take Me, I’m Leaving, Numb Nutz and others. I found out the link has been disenabled to buy hir music on MySpace but one can buy hir music on at the following link:
The songs can be purchased for a mere .99 each or just 9.99 for the album of 11 songs “Just My Stuff, Just My Style”.
“Parental Advisory – Explicit Content”.
Spectrum Human Services, Inc. & Affiliated Companies a nonprofit human services organization utilizes Facebook to bring information about their company to anyone interested. The company accepts donations, advertises holiday drives, and offers employment, services to individuals in Wayne County and outlying counties of Michigan. For more information about Spectrum go to
I’ve learned from Geoff Livingston, “The Future of the Non-Profit Internet” article that I read on Mashable at this link: that users of the internet have short attention spans and that it is important to have good critical thinking and analytical skills. With these skills one can interpret what is quality information and what is not in a short time span. The developers of the websites of non-profits must be able to present the information effectively and make it easily searchable. They need to “rethink how they operate and what they are trying to accomplish by connecting with people” on the internet. Internet slang is used all the time on the internet and changes rapidly. It is important that the non-profits keep up to date with these changes.
When using Twitter the business owner gets two or three seconds to get to their audience. They have to know their audience and use the “jargon” that motivates them. The strategists need to know and stay in touch with communities and know what technologies and social media tools are changing and then be able to adapt to those changes readily. Non-profits look to those relationships that they trust and those that “speak the loudest” and get the most attention.
Another issue of great importance in the non-profit industry is privacy especially in agencies such as Spectrum Human Services, Inc. & Affiliated Companies who deal directly with children, medical records, financial records, criminal records and other areas that require anonymity and privacy. In order to keep the community commitment to the non-profit openness is also important and the non-profit will need to “weigh this issue on a case-by-case basis.” Transparency about how finances are handled and the way operations are managed are valuable in the non-profit organization. That being said, the privacy and anonymity issues being as they are, the “charitable organizations must take precautions to ensure that their constituents, including staff and volunteers are protected.”
A close friend of mine recently started a new business selling Marine Phytoplankton products and even more recently has set up her business on Facebook. She tells me it is very important to get fans on her site in order to show Facebook that her business is growing. The “How to Market Your Business With Facebook” article indicates that this I important as well. “the average Facebook user has 130 friends on the site … “I shared this article with her. Why don’t you go to her site today and check it out. It’s for your good health and for her future business success.
I learned that when you set your pages up in your Facebook account for your business you need to treat it just like your personal account and be friendly. It’s not all about selling and buying but “more about interacting”. Update it often and add items that are attractive and intriguing. I like the idea of giving something away. I think when you get started you might even offer a give-a-way” item if the fan comes back on a daily basis for so many days in a row and if they refer other people go to the site and then they actually do, give them something. Your fan base gets larger and hopefully you become better known and you learn from others and they learn from you and you become wealthier in the process.
Frequensea is the whole food drink that I drink every day. I love the rose flavor of it!
Social media is now and will be the future. It is something that we common people use daily. It is the media that journalists use to get stories out in a timely manner. Here’s one that was posted today on Facebook by Mashable. Chile Earthquake: Twitter Photos Tell the Story [PICS] -
Come back and comment often!
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Monday, February 22, 2010
Assignment 4 - #4 "Facebook to Nonprofits: More Pages, Fewer Apps"
Nonprofit organizations want to make their Facebook account usage most efficient. One way to do this is to use pages as well as groups. This note is directly from Facebook: "Note: Creating an unauthorized Page violates our Statement of Rights and Responsibilites. If you violate any of our terms or policies in any way, we may remove you as a Page administrator, remove the Page, and possibly disable your Facebook account. Please create a Facebook Group to establish an unofficial "fan page"". Pages are more powerful than groups on Facebook.
Pages are used to raise awareness about videos and other vital pieces of information related to the organization or business of the "official representative". It is the place to notify others of events, dates and times, updates from previously integrated blogs and more.
The article tells us that some organizations and businesses remove their efficiency from their pages by loading them with tons of applications that aren't helping their cause. The Facebook page is where the users can comment with Facebook without going to another site. It is not necessary to direct them elsewhere because they can make their comments right on the page.
Mrs. Zuckerman is a person working in marketing and nonprofit organization initiatives and who recently pointed out the mistakes stated herein. She suggests that "less official notes, photos and other content" be included in the posted videos on the organization or business pages. More fun is what is needed to be added to these pages.
There are many users jumping on this method to raise funds for their organizations. Some of the projects the article refers to include memorials to victims, gay marriage, and protests. Facebook is also setting up with groups such as Project Red and the World Wildlife Fund to possibly "sell charity gifts to users".
A lot of information comes from "Mashable", another social media blog that I am currently using myself.
Greenovationtv has 19 pages on their Facebook account. These pages take you to information that Greenovationtv find valuable and interesting. Check out these sites:!/powerstockapparel
The Environment Report at!/environmentreport
Go to Greenovationtv for more interesting "green" sites.
Applications on Facebook I have been informed are not always so good. They are the source of viruses and problems, I've been told. I am careful about which applications I allow and use on my Facebook account. I would like to learn more about this because I sure get alot of notices from "friends" that request me to use many different applications. I ignore or hide most of them.
Information in this blog comes from
Pages are used to raise awareness about videos and other vital pieces of information related to the organization or business of the "official representative". It is the place to notify others of events, dates and times, updates from previously integrated blogs and more.
The article tells us that some organizations and businesses remove their efficiency from their pages by loading them with tons of applications that aren't helping their cause. The Facebook page is where the users can comment with Facebook without going to another site. It is not necessary to direct them elsewhere because they can make their comments right on the page.
Mrs. Zuckerman is a person working in marketing and nonprofit organization initiatives and who recently pointed out the mistakes stated herein. She suggests that "less official notes, photos and other content" be included in the posted videos on the organization or business pages. More fun is what is needed to be added to these pages.
There are many users jumping on this method to raise funds for their organizations. Some of the projects the article refers to include memorials to victims, gay marriage, and protests. Facebook is also setting up with groups such as Project Red and the World Wildlife Fund to possibly "sell charity gifts to users".
A lot of information comes from "Mashable", another social media blog that I am currently using myself.
Greenovationtv has 19 pages on their Facebook account. These pages take you to information that Greenovationtv find valuable and interesting. Check out these sites:!/powerstockapparel
The Environment Report at!/environmentreport
Go to Greenovationtv for more interesting "green" sites.
Applications on Facebook I have been informed are not always so good. They are the source of viruses and problems, I've been told. I am careful about which applications I allow and use on my Facebook account. I would like to learn more about this because I sure get alot of notices from "friends" that request me to use many different applications. I ignore or hide most of them.
Information in this blog comes from
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Assignment 4 - #3 - Tips for Twitter, and more on social media
Free. We like to hear when a service is free. Twitter is free. It's quick and brief and you give a bit of information and/or get a bit of information and move on. Simple questions like "What's going on?" "What time is the event?" I think Shauna's slide presentation is very fun and easy to follow.
Thank you to Shauna Nicholson
Cambridge, MA
There is a lot of great information in Jim's presentation. I am finding that the best way for me to learn about using social media is by doing and I am doing just that.
Post toBlogger WordPress Twitter Facebook (TAKEN DIRECTLY FROM THE LINKED WEBSITE.
Thank you to Shauna Nicholson
Getting Started with Social Media. Facebook. Flickr. Twitter. YouTube.
jsmithdesignsView more presentations from jsmithdesigns.
Cambridge, MA
There is a lot of great information in Jim's presentation. I am finding that the best way for me to learn about using social media is by doing and I am doing just that.
Post toBlogger WordPress Twitter Facebook (TAKEN DIRECTLY FROM THE LINKED WEBSITE.
Assignment 4 - #2 A bit of the "Effectiveness of Social Media"
Charlie Wollberg at
This past week I attended an event at the Fairlane Campus of the University of Michigan Dearborn. “Effective Use of Social Media” was presented by Charlie Wollberg. I arrived on time according to the time listed on the confirmation email I received, however the presentation had already started before I got there. About 20 attendees watched attentively while Charlie quickly went through Powerpoint slides and talked about social media. I missed his presentation about Flickr but I know it is used for uploading and sharing photos. is used for business and entertainment and has “121 million visitors each month and 10,000 hours of programming everyday”. It is the place we get to watch all of those great videos we all love and also where we can upload our own videos and share with others who want to laugh or learn something new.
Foursquare is something I had never heard of before. It is a great way to “hypertarget” Charlie says. Hypertargeting allows you to track the things you do, or others to track what you do and you track what they do. You get the picture? Check out this video:
Credit goes to: John Callahan (of MySpace / Fox Interactive Media)
Charlie also mentioned “hypercasting” which is “hyperfocusing”. This means new platform of advertising. Check out the link the see this new way of digital marketing and how” individuals, news organizations, corporations, non-profits and others” are using this tool to make life more efficient and profitable.
Hyperfocus as defined
“From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Hyperfocus describes an intense form of mental concentration or visualization that focuses consciousness on a narrow subject, or beyond objective reality and onto subjective mental planes, daydreams, concepts, fiction, the imagination, and other objects of the mind.”
Charlie is “Creative Director. Marketing Strategist. Brand Developer. Keynote Speaker. Social Networker. Business Builder.” He is involved in many things in and around Detroit. He mentioned “The Long Tail” but did not in anyway expound it at all. He simply asked if anyone had read it when he was recommending some reading materials.
Another book Charlie recommended included: “The Purple Cow” by Seth Godin. I checked it out and this is what I found about the book: "Purple Cow describes something phenomenal, something counterintuitive and exciting and flat out unbelievable. Seth Godin urges you to put a Purple Cow into everything you build, and everything you do, to create something truly noticeable. It's a call for marketers who want to help create products that are worth marketing in the first place."
(Retrieved from:
Credit to: Kimberly 78648 at
Social Media is Not a Broadcast Medium from Charlie Wollborg on Vimeo.
Taken from:
This past week I attended an event at the Fairlane Campus of the University of Michigan Dearborn. “Effective Use of Social Media” was presented by Charlie Wollberg. I arrived on time according to the time listed on the confirmation email I received, however the presentation had already started before I got there. About 20 attendees watched attentively while Charlie quickly went through Powerpoint slides and talked about social media. I missed his presentation about Flickr but I know it is used for uploading and sharing photos. is used for business and entertainment and has “121 million visitors each month and 10,000 hours of programming everyday”. It is the place we get to watch all of those great videos we all love and also where we can upload our own videos and share with others who want to laugh or learn something new.
Foursquare is something I had never heard of before. It is a great way to “hypertarget” Charlie says. Hypertargeting allows you to track the things you do, or others to track what you do and you track what they do. You get the picture? Check out this video:
Credit goes to: John Callahan (of MySpace / Fox Interactive Media)
Charlie also mentioned “hypercasting” which is “hyperfocusing”. This means new platform of advertising. Check out the link the see this new way of digital marketing and how” individuals, news organizations, corporations, non-profits and others” are using this tool to make life more efficient and profitable.
Hyperfocus as defined
“From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Hyperfocus describes an intense form of mental concentration or visualization that focuses consciousness on a narrow subject, or beyond objective reality and onto subjective mental planes, daydreams, concepts, fiction, the imagination, and other objects of the mind.”
Charlie is “Creative Director. Marketing Strategist. Brand Developer. Keynote Speaker. Social Networker. Business Builder.” He is involved in many things in and around Detroit. He mentioned “The Long Tail” but did not in anyway expound it at all. He simply asked if anyone had read it when he was recommending some reading materials.
Another book Charlie recommended included: “The Purple Cow” by Seth Godin. I checked it out and this is what I found about the book: "Purple Cow describes something phenomenal, something counterintuitive and exciting and flat out unbelievable. Seth Godin urges you to put a Purple Cow into everything you build, and everything you do, to create something truly noticeable. It's a call for marketers who want to help create products that are worth marketing in the first place."
(Retrieved from:
Credit to: Kimberly 78648 at
Social Media is Not a Broadcast Medium from Charlie Wollborg on Vimeo.
Taken from:
Assignment 4 - #1 "Twitter Could Become the Unemployed's Best Friend"

Mario Sun Conure Parrot by Kathie Norfleet is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.
Today I went to and signed into my account and then searched for the TwitJobSearch site that was created by WorkDigital, to look for a part-time job. It is a site that searches Twitter for jobs. It scans Twitter for keywords in the Twitter lists.
JobDeck and TweetDeck are tools that I can use. JobDeck offers tweets from human resources professionals and gives me a place to set up job searches that I can return to again and again, if necessary. Because it has teamed up with LinkedIn I can also get jobs out there from LinkedIn all while using Twitter.
The technology dude who put this together is surprised by the people using it - but heck - it is a " "cheaper, faster and easier" way to recruit" ", Mr. Fischer said. (He's the technology dude I referred to above who is the co-founder of WorkDigital.)
"TweetDeck is a desktop Twitter Application." TweetDeck is a browser you can use to keep connected to others across Facebook, Twitter and more.
I have selected to follow all of these in hope they will help me to get the most out of my online media experience. I have more to blog and will do so later. My blogs will be numbered in sequence of posting under the assignment in progress.
Music free and not free
I downloaded music from for a license fee of $12.00 thinking I could use it on my blogsite but I am now wondering if it is even possible. I'm still working on it. Jamendo is a great place to go to get free and legal music under the Creative Commons licenses. It is available in 7 different languages. For artists it is wonderful. At Jamendo they can share and promote their music. It is free and/or legal because of the Creative Commons license. Creative Commons is part of the non-profit world that makes "sharing, use, repurposing, and remixing possible". Copyright terms can be changed. Copyrights can be "all rights reserved" or "some rights reserved". CC is "not an alternative to copyright". The collaboration of experts help you to customize your copyright licenses to your satisfaction. They also offer a "no rights reserved" license that "allows you to place your work as squarely as possible with the public domain".
There are 6 main licenses available: 1) Attribution - lets everyone copy, distribute, and use your work as long as you give the creator the credit; 2) Share Alike - others can distribute your work under a license identical to yours; 3) Non-Commercial - The same as No 1 but use is for ONLY non - commercial use; 4) No Derivative Works - the user of your work must use it "verbatim" and the credit is yours and indicated as such ALWAYS; 5) Attribution Non-Commercial Share Alike - This is the license where others can remix and use your work pershaps as a base to create their own works, as long as you are credited and they carry the same license as you; 6) Attribution Non-Commercial No Derivatives - Restrictions apply here mostly. The users must credit you and link back to you. They cannot change them or use them commercially.
Collaborative creativity has often been used and this is the place to do it legally. Building off of other works of creativeness in OK. Inspired artists get started here without violating any license. "It is Creative Commons' goal to help create such a mechanism." Granting of permission is done through Creative Commons licensing. People are free to use what they find and create different things and this does not take away from the original idea. As was said by "Thomas Jefferson, "He who receives an idea from me, receives instruction himself without lessening mine; as he who lights his taper at mine receives light without darkening me." "
Josh Woodward shares his music under a Creative Commons license that allows you to copy and distribute it as long as you give Josh the credit. Josh has removed his Share-Alike clause and his license is now a Creative Commons Attribution license. Use it! He wants you to use it freely - go for it! Just be sure to credit Josh Woodward.
Click below to listen freely to Josh's music. If you like Josh Woodward you can see him in concert in Findlay, OH on Feb 27th at Coffee Amici (found on a Twitter feed).
Who else uses CC? "Al Jazeera has a website for journalists and other tv correspondents with Al Jazeera tv, under a CC license. Photographers everywhere share photos under the CC license on flickr. Of course Google uses a variety of licenses for their services on Picasa, YouTube and other digital services. I've used some photos from Picasa herein this blogsite. It's great! The industrial rockband Nine Inch Nails uses CC. OCW, is a tool used by universities and they use the CC licenses. The Public Library of Science uses the CC Attribution license.Wikipedia "recently migrated its licensing structure from the GNU Free Documentation License to a Creative Commons Attribution-Share-Alike license." Campaign photos of the Obama Administration have been distributed and shared under a CC license. Check out
credit for this information goes to
Sites like use the Creative Commons licenses to bring yoga and other sources of healing into the homes of anyone who wishes to learn about these alternative ways of healing. Retrieved from
Thursday, February 11, 2010
“Taking Sides in the Digital Revolution, Where Copyright Is the First Casualty”
This article brings up questions that I’ve had throughout this term. As a writer who hopes to publish something with substance someday I’d like to know how I will protect my writings and earn a living – if I choose to share them via the Internet.
Greg Kot’s “Ripped” sounds like a book that is meant to tell us “How the Wired Generation Revolutionized Music”. Kot, being involved in the music critics world at “The Chicago Tribune” for 20 years is excited about the revolution of sharing artistic vision. It is a wonderful thing but I think it could have its own negative consequences as well. I think youth is more accepting of the idea of giving it away than those still in the possessive era where protections are greater.
I tend to agree with Mark Helprin, author of “Digital Barbarism” (a clear and conspicuous public declaration of principles and intentions, often political in nature = manifesto or in this case “A Writer’s Manifesto”) about the importance of copyright protections! I do not like Helprin’s attack on the new culture of cyberspace. Perhaps it needs some tweeking to make it work in the best way for both the original artist and those who “borrow” work to create new. Helprin just sounds ridiculous and yes his “absurd rants corrode his credibility”. As time allows I will check out either “The Cult of the Amateur” or something similar for some credible arguments on the subject.
May 19, 2010 by: Michiko Kakutani
Greg Kot’s “Ripped” sounds like a book that is meant to tell us “How the Wired Generation Revolutionized Music”. Kot, being involved in the music critics world at “The Chicago Tribune” for 20 years is excited about the revolution of sharing artistic vision. It is a wonderful thing but I think it could have its own negative consequences as well. I think youth is more accepting of the idea of giving it away than those still in the possessive era where protections are greater.
I tend to agree with Mark Helprin, author of “Digital Barbarism” (a clear and conspicuous public declaration of principles and intentions, often political in nature = manifesto or in this case “A Writer’s Manifesto”) about the importance of copyright protections! I do not like Helprin’s attack on the new culture of cyberspace. Perhaps it needs some tweeking to make it work in the best way for both the original artist and those who “borrow” work to create new. Helprin just sounds ridiculous and yes his “absurd rants corrode his credibility”. As time allows I will check out either “The Cult of the Amateur” or something similar for some credible arguments on the subject.
May 19, 2010 by: Michiko Kakutani
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
A Push in Law Schools to Reform Copyright
Cases like the one described in “A Push in Law Schools to Reform Copyright” are the reason for the article and for reform. Downloading and file sharing copyrighted music without a license and the huge judgments in courts have created university campus activism and wide-range debate on the future of digital copyright.
Joel Tenenbaum was fined $150,000 per song just “doing what kids do on the Internet”, his defender, a Harvard Law Professor “told the court”. The feeling we get when we see a digital product on the Internet is “it does not feel like stealing” says a law graduate in a Paris University. Europe is an even greater user of the Internet than the United States.
It is important to clearly define the limits of use and the rights of users so that continued entertainment and newly developed creations can continue in cyberspace. Laws need reform - the laws that exist are old and outdated. Law school teachers are assembling to work on reform. Canadian students are helping to change laws in Canada. Copyright is of utmost importance to teachers and students – as it is their world reality.
There is a lot of support of the thought of a global license that would permit unlimited media usage. It would be paid for in the form of a tax. Still there are others who prefer to punish for “music piracy.” France wants to “criminalize music file sharing.” They fear a loss of control over one’s own work. It could de-value the work. The British Government and law professors are considering the “three strikes law.”
“Anyone convicted of three separate violent felonies must be sentenced to life in prison with no chance for parole.” (Retrieved from
An advisor to Creative Commons is looking at filters to “prevent downloading of copyrighted material.”
Joel Tenebaum’s case is prepared to appeal up to the Supreme Court in their stance in this debate.
Reference: la
December 2, 2009 by: Nazanin Lankarani
Joel Tenenbaum was fined $150,000 per song just “doing what kids do on the Internet”, his defender, a Harvard Law Professor “told the court”. The feeling we get when we see a digital product on the Internet is “it does not feel like stealing” says a law graduate in a Paris University. Europe is an even greater user of the Internet than the United States.
It is important to clearly define the limits of use and the rights of users so that continued entertainment and newly developed creations can continue in cyberspace. Laws need reform - the laws that exist are old and outdated. Law school teachers are assembling to work on reform. Canadian students are helping to change laws in Canada. Copyright is of utmost importance to teachers and students – as it is their world reality.
There is a lot of support of the thought of a global license that would permit unlimited media usage. It would be paid for in the form of a tax. Still there are others who prefer to punish for “music piracy.” France wants to “criminalize music file sharing.” They fear a loss of control over one’s own work. It could de-value the work. The British Government and law professors are considering the “three strikes law.”
“Anyone convicted of three separate violent felonies must be sentenced to life in prison with no chance for parole.” (Retrieved from
An advisor to Creative Commons is looking at filters to “prevent downloading of copyrighted material.”
Joel Tenebaum’s case is prepared to appeal up to the Supreme Court in their stance in this debate.
Reference: la
December 2, 2009 by: Nazanin Lankarani
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Creative Commons/Copyright Issues in Digital Media
Creative Commons. What is it? It is an awesome non-profit organization that helps people use creative works that they make available for sharing and using and remixing. It is all FREE! Free – we like that don’t we? Legal – we like that as well. The CC tools grant copyright terms that users can work with. There are terms with “all rights reserved” and terms with “some rights reserved.” The licenses available allow you to let other people use your work under your copyright. This is a “some rights reserved” copyright. Terms can be modified. Experts have collaborated “ensure that the licenses work globally.”
Retrieved from
The creator makes the terms and conditions a they wish them to be under the CC License. There are many to choose from and everyone can find one that works for them. Six license conditions described in the Creative Commons website are: 1) Attribution - the license that” lets other copy, distribute, display and perform your copyrighted work and derivative works. The one thing that has to be remembered is that you give credit for the work they way it is requested; 2) Share Alike – “you allow others to distribute derivative works only under an identical license to the license you have for the work; 3) Non-Commercial – is the same as Attribution but ONLY for non-commercial purposes; 4) No Derivative Works – The work that others are allowed to use must be “verbatim copies of your work”. 5) Attribution Non-Commercial Share Alike – “This license lets others remix, and use your work non-commercially to create other works, as long as you credit the creator and license the new work under “the identical terms.” The final license is the Attribution Non-Commercial No Derivatives” license. This one is the most restrictive- but it allows others to download your work and share it but they can’t change it and they MUST give the creator the credit and link back to the creator.
As Thomas Jefferson said “He who receives an idea from me, receives instruction himself without lessening mine; as he who lights his taper at mine receives light without darkening me.” Ideas are built upon ideas. Creative Commons is the place to go when one wishes to create something new and share it and also to reuse other ideas as one wishes – all under the Creative Commons license – “because permission has already been granted everyone.” Open Content is free software and software communities where copyright holders have made their “creative works available under licenses that give anyone permission to copy and make other uses of the works without specific permission or a royalty payment.”
For some additional interesting information about Creative Commons Legal Code please go to is where this piece was retrieved from.
At this website you will find definitions as they are intended in a CC license. Fair Dealing Rights, License Grant, Non-waivable Compulsory License Schemes, Waivable Compulsory License Schemes, Voluntary License Schemes, Restrictions, Representations, Warranties and Disclaimer, Limitation Liability, Termination, and Miscellaneous other issues of Creative Commons that one may be interested in learning about.
Josh Woodward is an artist who plays acoustic rock music and has worked under the Share Alike license but has recently (October 12, 2009) changed the license to a Creative Commons Attribution license and that means that as long as Josh is given the credit for it anyone can use it. Josh’s videos are available for you to see on you tube and specifically to see “Overthrown” go to
Josh Woodward will be in Findlay, OH on Feb. 27th at Coffee Amici. The concert is for the PBS community television station WBGU
Retrieved from
I went to and actually purchased a license for use on my website. Unfortunately I am not technologically saavy and I haven’t yet learned how to embed the music I purchased without a code. I have sent to emails to Jamendo for help but I haven’t heard anything back from them yet. Anyway the scope of the license is: “JAMENDO grants the User (me) to use all or part of the Work as a music illustration of the Web Site.” I used the Blogger Help function to find out how to use the music on my web site and that’s where I learned that I need a code from the third-party music service. When I find out more perhaps I will have music playing whenever you come to my web site. That is my goal.
Back to Creative Commons . . .
Who uses it? Al Jazeera. At Al Jazeera Blogs, a website where journalists blog and people correspond with others, the Al Jazeera television network is working under a CC license. flickr© is a useful resource for finding photos that are free and legal to use, share and remix. Google has used CC licenses in a number of their services in the digital world. They allow users to CC License their own content in Picasa which is one place I have found pictures to use on my website. Google owns YouTube which also used CC licenses that allows “users to swap “All Rights Reserved” music for similar sounding CC licensed tracks”. The industrial rock band Nine Inch Nails used a” CC Atrtribution Non-Commerical Share Alike license when “Trent Reznor” released the Grammy nominated GhostsI-IV.” Other best known users include OpenCourseWare, Public Library of Science, Wikipedia and
Retrieved from
“The Holistic Care” website is a place where you can find out about yoga and reiki healing systems. Under the Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial No Derivative license The Holistic Care can offer everyone the chance to learn about yoga and reiki.
Retrieved from:
Image: federico stevanin /
Under the FFAQ “Frequently Frequently Asked Questions) section of http://wiki/ find how to properly attribute a CC licensed work. You’ve seen pictures with the logo of the copyright holder embedded the pictures. This is something you must leave in the picture if you use the picture.
We need to cite the author’s name and identity and if publishing on the web link the name to the profile of that person, if available. Cite the title of the work and link it to the original work if possible. “Cite the specific CC license the work is under. Link it to the license on the CC website.”If you are changing a work identify the work as a “derivative work i.e.,” “This is a Finnish translation of the [original work] by [author].” “ For more information about “legal code” and what the license says about attribution go to:
Additionally there is a list of “25+ Sources for Creative Commons Content at
This is a comic that will explain alot!
The creator makes the terms and conditions a they wish them to be under the CC License. There are many to choose from and everyone can find one that works for them. Six license conditions described in the Creative Commons website are: 1) Attribution - the license that” lets other copy, distribute, display and perform your copyrighted work and derivative works. The one thing that has to be remembered is that you give credit for the work they way it is requested; 2) Share Alike – “you allow others to distribute derivative works only under an identical license to the license you have for the work; 3) Non-Commercial – is the same as Attribution but ONLY for non-commercial purposes; 4) No Derivative Works – The work that others are allowed to use must be “verbatim copies of your work”. 5) Attribution Non-Commercial Share Alike – “This license lets others remix, and use your work non-commercially to create other works, as long as you credit the creator and license the new work under “the identical terms.” The final license is the Attribution Non-Commercial No Derivatives” license. This one is the most restrictive- but it allows others to download your work and share it but they can’t change it and they MUST give the creator the credit and link back to the creator.
As Thomas Jefferson said “He who receives an idea from me, receives instruction himself without lessening mine; as he who lights his taper at mine receives light without darkening me.” Ideas are built upon ideas. Creative Commons is the place to go when one wishes to create something new and share it and also to reuse other ideas as one wishes – all under the Creative Commons license – “because permission has already been granted everyone.” Open Content is free software and software communities where copyright holders have made their “creative works available under licenses that give anyone permission to copy and make other uses of the works without specific permission or a royalty payment.”
For some additional interesting information about Creative Commons Legal Code please go to is where this piece was retrieved from.
At this website you will find definitions as they are intended in a CC license. Fair Dealing Rights, License Grant, Non-waivable Compulsory License Schemes, Waivable Compulsory License Schemes, Voluntary License Schemes, Restrictions, Representations, Warranties and Disclaimer, Limitation Liability, Termination, and Miscellaneous other issues of Creative Commons that one may be interested in learning about.
Josh Woodward is an artist who plays acoustic rock music and has worked under the Share Alike license but has recently (October 12, 2009) changed the license to a Creative Commons Attribution license and that means that as long as Josh is given the credit for it anyone can use it. Josh’s videos are available for you to see on you tube and specifically to see “Overthrown” go to
Josh Woodward will be in Findlay, OH on Feb. 27th at Coffee Amici. The concert is for the PBS community television station WBGU
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I went to and actually purchased a license for use on my website. Unfortunately I am not technologically saavy and I haven’t yet learned how to embed the music I purchased without a code. I have sent to emails to Jamendo for help but I haven’t heard anything back from them yet. Anyway the scope of the license is: “JAMENDO grants the User (me) to use all or part of the Work as a music illustration of the Web Site.” I used the Blogger Help function to find out how to use the music on my web site and that’s where I learned that I need a code from the third-party music service. When I find out more perhaps I will have music playing whenever you come to my web site. That is my goal.
Back to Creative Commons . . .
Who uses it? Al Jazeera. At Al Jazeera Blogs, a website where journalists blog and people correspond with others, the Al Jazeera television network is working under a CC license. flickr© is a useful resource for finding photos that are free and legal to use, share and remix. Google has used CC licenses in a number of their services in the digital world. They allow users to CC License their own content in Picasa which is one place I have found pictures to use on my website. Google owns YouTube which also used CC licenses that allows “users to swap “All Rights Reserved” music for similar sounding CC licensed tracks”. The industrial rock band Nine Inch Nails used a” CC Atrtribution Non-Commerical Share Alike license when “Trent Reznor” released the Grammy nominated GhostsI-IV.” Other best known users include OpenCourseWare, Public Library of Science, Wikipedia and
Retrieved from
“The Holistic Care” website is a place where you can find out about yoga and reiki healing systems. Under the Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial No Derivative license The Holistic Care can offer everyone the chance to learn about yoga and reiki.
Retrieved from:
Image: federico stevanin /
Under the FFAQ “Frequently Frequently Asked Questions) section of http://wiki/ find how to properly attribute a CC licensed work. You’ve seen pictures with the logo of the copyright holder embedded the pictures. This is something you must leave in the picture if you use the picture.
We need to cite the author’s name and identity and if publishing on the web link the name to the profile of that person, if available. Cite the title of the work and link it to the original work if possible. “Cite the specific CC license the work is under. Link it to the license on the CC website.”If you are changing a work identify the work as a “derivative work i.e.,” “This is a Finnish translation of the [original work] by [author].” “ For more information about “legal code” and what the license says about attribution go to:
Additionally there is a list of “25+ Sources for Creative Commons Content at
Saturday, February 6, 2010
In the Wind: Social Media - video conferencing
In the Wind: Social Media - video conferencing
In the Wind: Social Media - video conferencing
Friday, February 5, 2010
Social Media - video conferencing
Some clipart provided by
Social media is the newest tool for advertisers, as the article I read today in Crain's Detroit Business states. Bill Shea tells about the video conferencing application ClickCast. People who post a question in their status on (the biggest social media outlet) can participate in the conference. This status is linked back to the video conference where they can join in the chat. Shea says that there are "more than 350 million active members and is the No. 2 most visitied site worldwide." This new ClickCast application is meant to get new users on board. An adverstising agency in Rochester, MI is where the application was developed by Daniel Cobb when the recession hit. He used the technological skills of others and the niche was born.
Connections between the film director of "The Cove" and dolphin advocates helped to make the film a "semifinalist for the five Best Documentary entry slots at the Academy Awards." Whole Foods Market brought "more than 80,000 online participants" to use ClickCast and to talk about foods that are healthy with the "chain's "Renegade Lunch Lady" at the helm." Many connections take place that put people where they need to be to develop their ideas and to build big business.
One thing I really like about this application (which I haven't yet used - but in the future I will) is the shared online shopping experience Shea speaks of in this piece "Friends in advertising". Friends can connect online live on web cam to talk about the thing that they might be considering purchasing.
Shea lists his contact information in the Crain's piece as follows:
Bill Shea: (313) 446.1626
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