Sunday, January 31, 2010

China supports Iran

This article is an interview by “globalvoicesonline” that states that “Chinese netizens” support Iranians via the “Twitter community”. They intend to learn from the Iranian people and both groups strive for “liberty and democracy”.The struggle among the people of Iran of recent news is the reason for demonstration. There is no “organizational support”. A handful of volunteers and people who know how to use the web as well as the creator “CaoTaMaDe (nickname)” are the biggest supporters and organizers.

The Chinese have friendly “tweets” with other Chinese, as well as worldwide web cyberactivists and interested parties. Translation to English is done to inform others of the “reaction in China”.

The censorship of Iran is much the same as in China. Keyword filtering is done with a system of censoring known as the “Great Firewall (GFW)”. The censorship stories are continuous and the support against censorship is becoming greater. The interviewer was told that they have received some support and they will continue to encourage people to talk about the subject. They ask for people from different fields to be “noisy” so as to be heard. They request contributions towards making the reality of the situation changed sooner rather than later. People have helped and keeps “tweeting”.

1 comment:

  1. It is interesting that the Internet and social net working sites are can be a platform for global support in activism and advocates for change. Even something as simple as twitter can be a tool for nations to show support for one another and do so with relative ease.
