Thursday, January 21, 2010

China and Google

"Clinton Tackles China, Google And Net Censorship" ChannelWeb

Human Rights Activists are targets of spoil. Censorship is on the rise. Google is pissed.

U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has made it a priority of U.S. foreign policy to ensure that freedom of distribution of information through the internet as a human right continues. Clinton is working diligently on making sure this right is intact. Her recent speech in Washington, D.C. related the fact that bloggers and activists in Egypt have been detained - for using the internet.

As if general hackers aren't enough of a problem - the entire Chinese government is messing with Google, or at least there have been allegations pointing in that direction. Google threatens to quit its operation in China, after just 4 years of launching the search site. Reviews, investigations, different points of views on the issues are underway.

In order to continue to grow - this intrusion into our internet lifestyle is absurd, or is it?;jsessionid=Z1R30XV5TPFVDQE1GHPSKH4ATMY32JVN

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