Monday, January 25, 2010

China paper slams U.S. for cyber role in Iran unrest from

More of my own thoughts about this article to come.

1 comment:

  1. This article warns the U.S. that the ties between China and the U.S. will be harmed if this push against censorship of the Internet continues. Wang Xiaoyang in another editorial noted in this piece that he thinks the reason for all the uproar folling the Iranian elections came about because America stirred it up via the Internet.Utube, Twitter and Facebook have been blocked for months. It seems "free" information is only via America. Hornsby says tht a deputy operations director of the National Computer Network Emergency Response Technical Team said and the Chinese newspapers has reported that "everyone with technical knowledge of computers know that just because a hacker used an IP address in China, the attack was not necessarily launched by a Chinese hacker." How many have thought of this? Zhou Yonglin believes that Chinese hackers may have retaliated with an attack on Iranian Sites the day after an outage by seach engine Baidu. He also "DID NOT mention that it was attacked by the Iranian Cyber Army.The nations of Cuba, Iran, Syria, Sudan and North Korea are all in violation of free information flow that the U.S. desires for all. All of this information comes directly from the piece written by Lucy Hornby on January 24,2010.

    I see war exists in cyberspace that I never had any idea was going on. I have found a new interest. Thank God for free Internet speech in America!!!
